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How to cook a terrific turkey

Grab your roasting tin and make your turkey the crowning glory!
Check back soon for more turkey tips!

Never have a dry turkey again 
with our top turkey cooking tips!

Keep your turkey moist by basting with 500ml of Chicken Stock or Caversham Cream Sherry. Yum!

For deliciously golden skin, cook your turkey in tin foil and then remove the foil for the last hour.

Once the turkey is cooked, cover it with a clean tea towel and leave it to rest for 45 minutes to allow the juices to settle.

Slow cook your turkey with broth and herbs until very tender. Transfer to an oven pan, brush with oil or glaze, and bake at 200c for 15-20 minutes to crisp the skin.


Tremendous Turkey Flavour

Your turkey will triumph with our marvellous ideas.

Chop up a tasty veg bed of celery,
carrots, onions for you turkey to
cook on and enjoy extra
flavoursome turkey juices for your

Surround your turkey with half
cut bulbs of garlic, lemons and
sprigs of fresh thyme for a hint of
zesty fresh med flavour.

For a savoury taste, stuff the
cavity of the turkey with sprigs of
fresh rosemary and red onions.

In the last hour of cooking, rub
the turkey with salted butter and
scatter finely chopped thyme,
grated lemon rind and cracked
black pepper.



Perfect pairings for your turkey

Terrific wine pairings for your tasty turkey



Remarkable turkey recipes



What size turkey do I need?




Always check the packaging for specific turkey cooking times.


We’ve got the answer to all of your turkey questions!
Whether it be how to cook a turkey or what’s the best turkey recipe, find the answers below.


Check to see if you need to remove any packaging, then simply pop in the oven as per instructions.

All of our turkey crowns come with cooking instructions. So, for best results, please refer to the pack. As a general guide, you can season and baste with butter to keep it moist. Roast skin side up at 180 to 190C. Cover loosely with foil and cook for 20 minutes per kg. Then add 70 minutes (or 90 minutes if your turkey crown weighs more than 4kg). For extra flavour baste in the juices about 30 minutes before it’s ready.

Cook for 20 minutes per kg at 180 to 190°C. Then add 70 minutes (or 90 minutes if your turkey crown weighs more than 4kg).

You need 15 minutes per 450g, and then another 20-30 minutes. Pre-heat oven to 220°C/Fan 200°C/Gas Mark 7. Put the turkey joint skin side up and pour over 450ml water (or chicken stock to taste). Spread butter over the skin and season well. Seal with foil then roast for 20 minutes – to allow it to heat right through. Then cook at 200°C/Fan 180°C/Gas Mark 6. Top tip: uncover the joint for the last 20 minutes to brown the skin.

Pierce the thickest part of the leg with a skewer. If the meat juices run clear, it means the turkey is cooked. If there are any traces of pink in the juices, cook the bird for a further 15 minutes, then retest.

This is not something we would recommend as turkey needs to be stored below 4.4 degrees C, and you can’t guarantee what the temperature will be outside, or in the garage, throughout the day. Try to make room in the fridge for the turkey and store things like drinks and mixers in the garage instead.

Yes, however, you can only reheat the turkey sliced – not as a whole bird or joint. Cook the turkey the night before as per the cooking instructions and allow the bird to cool completely before refrigerating overnight. On the day, carve the turkey into slices and place into a roasting tray and cover with a little chicken or turkey stock, then reheat in a pre-heated oven 180°C/Gas Mark 6 for 20 minutes - until heated through.

A mix of different festive birds, such as turkey, goose, duck, cockerel or pheasant. Our boneless British multi-bird roast includes free range turkey, duck and pheasant with a cranberry stuffing and glaze, topped with smoked streaky bacon and a sprig of herbs.

Yes, it will make it really moist and juicy, but you’ll need to brown it off at the end.

Yes. It stops the legs drying out, and gives you a neat, compact shape that will stop it collapsing.

As a guide, cook your turkey at 180°C Fan/350°F/Gas Mark 4 and use the below info.

Under 4.5kg – cook for 45 minutes per kilogram, plus 20 minutes.

4.5kg – 6.5kg – cook for 40 minutes per kilogram.

More than 6.5kg – cook 35 minutes per kilogram.

For 24 hours at the bottom of the fridge. It will take about 2 hours for every 450g.

Roly Poly turkeys get their name from being juicy and plump. Free range, oat-fed, and RSPCA-assured, they are reared in a natural habitat to give an extraordinarily moist flavour.

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